
People are my passion. I love connecting, communicating and collaborating. My career in international education has allowed me the unique opportunity to learn from a hugely diverse network of colleagues (and now friends) across the globe, broadening my understanding of what it means to be human and how our cultural context informs our experience of the world.

Yoga has been a constant in my life for nearly 20 years, has grounded me as I have navigated living and working in different countries and cultures, and remains the practice I keep coming back to again and again to feel most like myself. I am interested in feeling, sensing, moving, enquiring, all while maintaining a sense of play. My classes focus on the balance between effort and ease, movement and stillness, softness and strength, laughter and humility. For me, this practice is less about being ‘good’ at it, and more about being present IN it. In addition to the physical and mental benefits of the practice, yoga has been an entry point into some of the most wonderful communities of people I have had the good fortune to be part of, both as a student and teacher. I have been leading global retreats for the past 10 years and take such joy in combining my passion for travel and exploration with my love of yoga and community.

My coaching practice weaves together my curiosity of the human experience and my desire to be of service to others. I don’t promise to change your life (that’s up to you!) or pretend I have all the answers. I offer a warm, supportive, non-judgmental, and inclusive listening environment for my clients to work through where they are, where they want to be, and how to make that a reality. The magic happens when we know we’re truly being heard and understood. 

I had the wonderful fortune to speak with my beloved godmother, Deb Adamy on her podcast, Enlighten: Uplift and Inspire about my work in international education, yoga retreats, and my coaching practice. Have a listen below if you’re interested to know more!


  • MA Intercultural Communication

  • Accredited Diploma in Transformative Coaching (Animas Centre for Coaching)

  • EMCC Global Individual Practitioner Accreditation

  • Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training (OM Yoga, NYC)

  • Relax and Renew™ Restorative Yoga training with Judith Hanson Lasater